Julio Garcia G. / Science Journalist
There is still a wide debate about Ribonucleic acid (RNA), which is present in some viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2 and many other viruses. Dioxyribonucleic acid (DNA), in which all living things are composed, including the simplest.
Unlike DNA, RNA It is made up of a single chain. When the latter is formed Two chains in the form of a ladder.
The basic units of these chains NucleotidesWhose chemicals Sends genetic information to cells. Hence its importance in the life processes of DNA and RNA molecules.
In this regard, Maria Caba, a researcher in the Department of Biology at the University de la Ille Palares in Spain and the author of a recent article published in the newspaper, Country, “In the first organisms, there may have been some molecules involved in the synthesis of nucleotides and the replication of DNA or RNA”.
It is also mentioned in it “Science has been interested in solving the question of whether DNA or RNA arose first since the discovery of these molecules.”
RNA structure. Image: Shutterstock
To solve this debate about DNA or RNA, a recent research article was published in the journal AstronomyIndicates that ribonucleic acid (RNA) is formed spontaneously Basalt volcanic glass. I mean – based on this new model- RNA came before DNA.
About 4.3 billion years ago there was an abundance of basalt volcanic glass on Earth The volcanic activity on our planet was very intense Something that will take place today. Also, this is the strangest thing of all, This type of volcanic glass still lives on the surface of Mars. So RNA can be present not only on Earth but also on other planets.
The New job It was headed by Dr. Eliza Piondi The foundation for application molecular evolution From the United States, along with his team, form long RNA molecules – about 100 to 200 nucleotides long – Nucleoside triphosphates Filter by Basalt glass.
The Nucleoside triphosphates Act as precursors to both DNA and RNA and as one The main source of energy Many cellular reactions occur.
DNA structure. Image: Shutterstock.
In this sense, according to reports made to the Internet portal Phys.OrgStephen Mojsis, a geologist and participant in this important work, said, “Several hundred million years after the formation of the Moon, both have frequent impacts. [de meteoritos] As Plenty of volcanoes What was that young earth, Basaltic volcano formed actors, Which is the source of basalt glass. Impacts Water evaporates to create dry land, providing the aquifers where RNA could have formed. “
The Basalt It’s a Volcano typeProbably the most common, it arises When the magma produced by volcanoes cools and solidifies. In fact, basalt is not only found on the surface of the earth’s oceans and below. But it is also present on Mars and the Moon.
Research by Eliza Bondi and her colleagues can also test the hypothesis RNA is made up of tiny organic molecules Chances are they would have been on that ancient earth.
As for what happened when Mars formed, it turns out that both of our neighboring worlds are forming By the same minerals as by the same basaltic crystals Will be on earth. That’s the difference There is no movement of the continents on Mars (Continental Drift) or Plate tectonics that characterize our planet.
These tectonic movements and this continental drift, created it Most of the rocks on Earth were buried 4 billion years ago. Instead on Mars, These rocks are still on its surface. BOr our neighboring planet would be the perfect place to do anything Deep work around the search for RNA molecules.
Mars surface. Photo: NASA.
I firmly believe that you will be satisfied with the research of Eliza Bondi and her team, Mexican scientist Rafael Navarro GonzalezDied January 2021.
Navarro Gonzalez, who started the field of astronomy in Mexico, decided to dedicate a large part of it. The study of planets and their relationship to the existence of living things on them. Throughout his life Navarro made several trips to Antarctica, where he discovered organic matter and microorganisms, which led to the conclusion that life could exist. Even in the most remote and hospitable places.
As to what the new Bondi trial will hold in the future, many more questions remain to be answered. For example, It is not yet known how all the building blocks of RNA took the same form. It is known when all the components have the same structure Homosexuality.
The Homosexuality Is a property Amino acids. The latter forming molecules Proteins. Proteins regulate most functions in all organisms.
Dr. Rafael Navarro Gonzalez. Image: Kurtoscuro / NASA. Treatment: N.A.
It turns out that many more amino acids are formed Chiral proteinsTranslated by Ribosome. The latter is, inside the cell, precisely, made up of RNA and other proteins. Thanks to these ribosomes (there are many in the cells), RNA can give the necessary instructions for proteins About what functions they should perform in the body.
Another fundamental question that Bondi’s study failed to answer relates to fact How complex life can become as we know it today.
It is clear that evolution plays a fundamental role in the complexity of the evolution of living things. But, how were these processes gradually developed? Will there ever be a way to find and reconstruct the history of life on our planet and, if it exists, in other parts of the universe? Want to see it.