Los America planned 91 commercial flights in this business

Santo Domingo, R.D.

Passenger and airline flights from Los America’s International Airport (AILA), Jose Francisco Penn Gomez to various destinations increased this Friday, with 91 roundabout commercial flights scheduled for the United States, Europe, South America and Central America. .

Dominican Airports XXI’s (Aerodom) flight operations center plans to have 46 flights and 45 departures to different destinations via the airport terminal.

Of the 91 activities planned for this Friday, 41 appeared in US cities, according to data provided.

Flights depart from the Los Americas terminal, with a significant percentage of passengers respecting physical distance and health protocol.

Despite the crisis affecting passenger air traffic due to the effects of Govt-19, the situation is beginning to reactivate based on the increase in AILA’s air and passenger operations.

Airport officials attributed the increase in flight and passenger departures and arrivals to the fact that many people already in the country and in the United States have been vaccinated against Govt-19.

American Airlines, JetBlue Airways, Delta, Spirit and United Airlines operate routes from Santo Domingo to North America. There were more passengers than in previous days.

Meanwhile, passenger flow, air and passenger operations to the European continent, South America and Central America have also intensified.

Copa Airlines, Iberia and Air France departed this Friday for Madrid, Spain, Paris, France, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia and other countries.

Aerodrome officials are of the opinion that passenger traffic will also intensify in the country as people are vaccinated in the same order.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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