Lynching of scientists aims to extend to the academic community: Directors of the UNAM

Through a letter, the College of Directors and Directors of Faculties and Schools of the UNAM join their support for the 31 scientists and officials who are accused of organized crime by the Attorney General of Justice and the Conacyt, and support the position of the Rector Enrique Graue on the subject.

The signatories of the letter explain that dedicating themselves to the task of disseminating and generating knowledge, be it cultural or scientific, arises from “the confluence of vocation and social commitment” and that those who dedicate their lives to teaching, research and dissemination They are governed by the strict codes of conduct of their institutions, but also by “the values ​​that have sustained the development of Education, Science and Technological Development in our country.”

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“(…) We are aware of the trust that Mexican society has placed in us and the great effort it makes to finance our activities, so we exercise our resources in a transparent manner, within the framework of the law, applying the best national practices and international, and we are audited and audited on a daily and strict basis by bodies of the different powers of the State, ”the statement reads.

The directors highlight their concern about the “disproportionate accusation” against the 31 scientists and officials who worked in the Scientific and Technological Consultative Forum, where they point out that “the inadmissibility of serious crimes” is “obvious”, the fact that they do not the accused have been heard and that there is no guarantee of due process.

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The signatories assure that the “mistrust and lynching” towards the academics accused by the FGR and Conacyt is worrying because there are already “voices” that pretend to extend the “climate of distrust” towards the academic community of the country, a fact that would pay the “Deconstruction of a critical apparatus indispensable for the development of every nation that seeks to stay at the forefront of the modern world.”

On September 23, Morena’s bench in the Senate presented a point of agreement that proposes that the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), of the Ministry of Finance, carry out an investigation on the management of public resources that are delivered to all the public universities in the country, including the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), as well as research centers, to eradicate what they described as “scientific tourism”.



Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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