On a semi-desert planet, three friends, Vic (Laurence Barrette), Aïsha (Emma Elle Paterson) and Finn (Guillaume Gauthier), live in Mechanopolis, a mineral city where only the jungle is inaccessible. A great wall built by an evil people, the majestic one, which prevents anyone from entering it.
environmental Protection
Although it is science fiction, the topics covered are well anchored in current concerns about the environment.
Because in Mechanopolis not only the resources are very limited, but the inhabitants also have to live in majestic waste, which is exploiting their lands throwing away everything they no longer use.
Recycle, reuse, simplify the way we consume – these are all central themes of the series that will hopefully impact young people.
Series Director Martin Cadot says:
This is the last (Monstre Motel, the complex life of Léa Olivier) is working with Ottawa-based production company Slalom on this project.
Make young people laugh, make them react and ask themselves: For me, this is a unique privilege. [On] Enter your home [à travers l’émission] And we can convey important messages. And it is our culture that we transmit to them, not the American or European.
For the first and second seasons currently in preparation, half filming machine It is carried out in a studio, in Capital Federal. The other half takes place outside, in the Sentier des Ronces, on the Orléans strip, whose landscapes are used as a backdrop to illustrate the Mechanopolis forest. We want our children to go out to play
says Martin Cadot.
However, filming adventure scenes in the open air comes with certain challenges for actors.
The biggest challenge is really the physical game. We run and jump and after a day of filming we feel it in the body
Franco-ontario actor Félix Beauchamp, who plays Baz, laughs a little arrogant
Of the majestic clan.
Wit, curiosity and friendship
Beyond environmental awareness, machine It poses several characters, all different from each other.
Among them is Madame K – A genius inventor with a passion for botany
Explains its translator, Mary Evelyn Lessard, Mrs. Warm, curious and open to the world
Aisha, one of the main characters in the series, is a young woman. Strong, smart and brave
says Emma Elle Patterson, whose features lent her to the small screen.
I hope that the youth will identify with our heroes. Universe machine He is very human. We will really see each character develop through different problems, but they will always try to help each other.
Mine, [le personnage d’Aïsha] Really important because, although she has had moments when she doubts herself, she has also gone through other moments [fait fi] What others think of her
Adds Emma Elle Patterson. The nerd is not “fair”: she is capable of being brave and leading the way.
Despite their differences, a great friendship unites a trio of adventurers made up of Aisha, Vic and Finn. It is a series that leads young people to be resourceful, curious, to help each other. [et qui les amène à] See what we can create with our environment.
, as Mary Evelyn Lessard thinks.
The filming of the second season has finished in Ottawa. The team is now working on the series’ third and fourth seasons.
With information from Kathryn Morras