Maribili took first place in the 'La Casa de los Famosos' competition.

Mexico City Correspondent

After living in “La Casa de los Famosos” for almost four months, Maripily Rivera became the winner of the fourth season, taking home a prize of $200,000.

Rodrigo Romey won second place and $100,000, while Lubillo Rivera took third place with $50,000. Alana Lliteras finished fourth and Geraldine Bazán fifth.

After being announced as the big winner of “La Casa de los Famosos”, the Puerto Rican host, entrepreneur and model was accepted by all his teammates, but he immediately ran to hug his friends in Team Tierra and celebrate with them. She is the public's favorite to win the top spot on the Telemundo reality show.

Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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