Matanzas fire: Why hasn’t the Cuban government provided information on the 17 missing firefighters?

The Cuban government acknowledged the disappearance of 17 people Disaster at the Matanzas supertanker site. However, he did not disclose the identity and fate of the missing in the midst of meetings and before the light of the state information machine, except that orders had been issued to find them.

Spread on social networks and the streets of Matanzas Editions. Many suggest that youths are among the missing Military service At a fire department in Matanzas.

On Saturday, Díaz-Canel called for priority to be given to the families of the injured and missing. He did so during a meeting in Madanzas, surrounded by the dome of power and the top officials of the province.

Even the ruler wrote in a message on Twitter: “Firefighters missing in the explosion should be found immediately and take care of their families. The situation is tough, but we are going to get out of this too. #ForceMatanzas”.

For his part, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz “noted Balance of the missing“Inside A message He added of the fire: “We are working hard and we are determined to solve it”.

A A message issued by the National Assembly of People’s Power This Sunday and collected through the official portal CubePad The “priorities” established by Díaz-Canel included “preparing the ground to begin searching for those reported missing, when control of the event allows.”

Apart from these reports, no official information has been provided as to who the missing persons were, under what conditions, and with what means they faced the fire.

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Shocking pictures published by the official press On Saturday they showed firefighters working very close to the burning tanks. They were taken shortly before the second explosion, after which the emergency services were activated and the Faustino Pérez Surgical Medical Hospital received more than fifty burns on its guard.

This Sunday, magazine Bohemia General New pictures of a group Firefighters fighting firesThe second was taken before the explosion.

Official silence supports the proliferation of rumors and uncertainty about the fate of these 17.

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Posted by Bohemia On that day Sunday, August 7, 2022

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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