“Squid gameThe popular series premiered on Netflix on September 17th. Within a month of its launch, it had become the most watched series on stage. At the Vox Media Code Conference, Ted Sarandos, Co-CEO Netflix Revealed that Korean production already has more than 625 million viewing times. This means it was watched by 78 million viewers throughout the first season.
In addition to the plot and originality of the series, its success is attributed to its cast, which is one of the best payoffs. When that happens, the protagonist, who eventually wins the game, gets the second highest salary in his country. Lee Jung-j, Born in Seoul known as “Korean Ricardo Darren” and played by Zion Ki-Han.
With success “Squid game”, The actor has already crossed 75 thousand by increasing his followers on Instagram. However, their income also increased. Lee had about 300,000 hits per episode, or $ 344,000. In total, the Zion artist earned about 3.1 million at the end of the shoot.
In addition, his popularity grew and now he is a star Netflix. Brands from different countries are demanding advertising as his face is one of the best known among the subscribers. However, the highest-paid actor in Korea, Zhang Jung-ki, grossed more than $ 206,000 per episode he starred in on Vicenzo.
About the other characters “Squid game“They surpassed his salary, too. Park Ha-soo, who played Cho Sung-woo, earned about $ 49,000 a share, much less than his partner. Earn a few million Taiwanese dollars per episode for the job.