Mercadona olive oil is awarded as one of the best olive oil in the world

Mercadona We are used to launching products that are very good value for money. And it is that the white label of the Spanish company, whether it is Hacendado or Deliplus, has managed to sell thousands and thousands of products annually.

The one that stands out is olive oil, which was recently awarded, because it is a food that provides a lot of health to our diet. For this reason, it has been awarded for its high nutritional value and Health.

With this type of product, Mercadona is positioned even above many others with more prestige and function at the national level. In its various departments we can find a large variety of products that really work as they promise.

Because they save us a few euros, and because of the launch of new products every week they sweep sales. Although more and more retail stores are emerging that make it a direct competition in each of the cities in which they are located. And that there are many places in Spain that have more than two and three shops on their streets.

In this case, Mercadona’s quality has been recognized internationally. Since it wasn’t with its own brand, it was with a product on its shelves.

Extra Casa Juncal Early Harvest olive oil was the winner as one of the best in the world. In competitions held internationally in cities such as New York and London.

Internationally awarded olive oil that you can find in Mercadona for less than 4 euros

This is what Mercadona celebrates. Olive oil from the brand Extra Casa Juncal, distributed by the Valencia supermarket chain, won two gold medals for the best oil in the world. In this case, one is in the New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC), and the other is in the London International Olive Oil Competition (London IOOC).

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olive oil spoon
olive oil

In the first of them, which was held in New York City, USA, he won the gold because, according to experts, “it is an exceptional picture with the intense aroma of green olives and freshly cut grass.”

On the other hand, they also highlight that it “has green and fruity aromas of great complexity of grape tomatoes, artichokes, green wheat and almonds.

This Mercadona oil, according to the company that produces it, “is made from olives harvested between the end of October and the first half of November. The stage of maturity at which this fruit is at its best point for achieving olfactory and tasting sensations that are fresher, fragrant, green and harmonious.”

Myrtle Frost

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