Mexican journalist Reynaldo Ruda’s H


Fights between Honduras and Mexico They generate a lot of interest every time they see each other in different Concacaf tournaments, and this Friday will not be the case.

Unlike other gatherings, the event will be held on November 17 Chelato Uclés National Stadium, Where is the best grass in the country?

A packed house is coming! 80% of the ticket office for the Honduras-Mexico game has already been sold. How many police officers will there be?

The Mexican press is already on Catracho soil and the morbidity is not hidden before this challenge called Classic of the region. Julio Ibanez, TUDN journalist, he is already enjoying this fight. “The nearest enemy is already in Honduras.”

In addition, he expects an improvement in the Catracha team: “If I compare it to the Gold Cup, which had to follow the Mexican rivals, it improved and felt less tension, they were released when Diego left. Vasquez and I see Renaldo Ruda as very intelligent.

Regarding the panorama of a possible surprise for Honduras over Mexico, he is very strong. “Honduras changed everything about the national team for the better. Can it be surprising? Anything can happen in football, nothing is written, but it seems to me that Mexico should be the favorite and beat Honduras and get a positive result.

And he adds: “The change of location from San Pedro Sula caught my attention, where it is complicated by the field, which is always better. I was at the Nationals yesterday and I really liked it, I think it helps Mexico play better.

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On the change of scenery: “I don’t know if there is an advantage, but there is no disadvantage. “The stadium is good for the Mexican team to play directly as they want,” he said.

But he reckons: “If I were a manager, I’d play at the Olympic stadium for a benefit.”

And he concluded: “I like the idea of ​​Honduras wanting to compete head-to-head, and the field will help the show.”

Wilmot Chandler

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