Mexican softball team throws uniforms. Photos

Mexico City /

The Mexican women’s softball team Participant Tokyo 2020 Olympics, Where They could not get the medal In a discipline of six teams, he took the plane back, however, they had a questionable attitude. They threw away all the uniforms given to them As part of our country’s delegation.

What did the women’s softball team do?

Half the time was able to confirm A group of Mexican athletes ran as cleanup volunteers Olympic Village, Who wore 10 transparent garbage bags In which sportswear was worn with country attire.

If an athlete is interested in this medium, they approach volunteers to listen, they said Remaining garbage by the softball team Rooms 15-10. “Everything was there,” the source in question said.

A section of the Mexican delegation in Tokyo recovered the uniforms

Faced with the annoyance of seeing Mexican clothes in the trash, a coach from the delegate retrieved a bag that contained some training shirts.

“Dress uniforms, a white. Full uniform. There were even T-shirts and tennis shoes. It gave us a lot of courage because it was not validIt costs us a lot, and it costs the sponsors too, ”the athlete told Mediotempo, which attested to this unfortunate fact.

Especially The athletes received kits from a brand sponsored by the Mexican Olympic Committee (Chinese brand Li-ning), plus Nike decorated them For their fourth-place favorite match.

When the players returned to the country this Wednesday, they did so in green and gray travel uniforms, but not entirely because some members were wearing shorts, not pants. So far none of the members have commented on the facts., After saying this They “made history” for Mexico in Tokyo 2020.

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Wilmot Chandler

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