May 23 this, Dean of Autonomous University San Luis PotosiAlejandro Zerminio Guerra, has appointed Dr. Miguel Angel Vidal Purpolla, as Director of the Coordination and application of science and technology (politics).
In this way, he replaces Dr. Hugo Ricardo Navarro Contreras, who since 2009 has been the Ciacyt General Coordinator for the UASLP.
Among the plans of the new Director of Coordination, at the global level put science and technology jobs Of the high level that is conducted in the highest house of studies, as well as continue to promote the generation of science and technology projects in the country.
“We can form a society equal to the European one, generating high technology, as well as more and better science for the benefit of society,” Vidal Purpola commented.
Miguel Angel Vidal, has a career spanning more than 30 years. He received a degree in Physics and Mathematics from National Polytechnic InstituteMSc in Physics from IPN Higher School of Physics and Mathematics and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Cinestav-IPN.
He also serves as a Level III Research Professor in the National System of Scholars at CONASET and a pioneer in the installation of the Institute for Optical Communications Research (IICO) and Ciacyt.