Miguel Rojas, a Venezuelan boy who received NASA certification for his discovery of an asteroid orbiting between Mars and Jupiter.

Miguel Rojas, a 13-year-old Venezuelan boy, has been certified by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for his mission to detect asteroids orbiting in the solar system. Tuesday and Thursday.

Born in the state of Laura in western Venezuela, the young man, who is interested in astronomy, made the discovery in April this year. Approved By Pan-Starrs Laboratory days ago From the University of Hawaii Institute of Astronomy and Hardin Simmons University, Through the International Astronomical Search Cooperation (IASC) in association with NASA.

“With great emotion, I share the recognition that NASA has given me, my initial discovery is now temporary, i.e. NASA has already certified that I discovered an asteroid. His temporary name is 2021GG40, ”Miguel explained in a post he made on his social networks.

He talked about RT Miguel – with his parents’ permission – what he was interested in, the details of the discovery and the process that led to his recognition from NASA and academia.

“I have loved astronomy all my life”

Miguel is a nice and polite guy, very confident in his thoughts and words, especially when he speaks He is very interested in: astronomy. “I have loved it all my life, and from a very young age, I know I wanted to dedicate myself to this because I have the knowledge,” he says.

“It simply came to our notice then 13 year old I also like moviesLike Star Wars, Superheroes and Action, Miguel loves to read and explore, explore and gain new knowledge.

The first books he was interested in were encyclopedias about space And the solar system. “As I read them, the wonder of the wonderful world of science and astronomical physics increases,” he explains.

Miguel’s path to finding the asteroid began with a project Orbit CI130, Which is dedicated to early identification, diagnosis, training and specialized comprehensive assistance for children and Young people with high potential, high performance and talent.

It was this organization that invited Miku to actively participate as an analyst in the asteroid search campaign organized by the IASC and taking place around the world.

How was Miguel’s invention?

“Thank you for being a part of that foundation
I participated in that asteroid search campaign That’s where I was able to find itMiguel explains that it takes a lot of patience, focus and needs to make an invention.

“It’s a whole process, first you sign up for the asteroid search campaign, which is organized IASC. Then, Look for pictures taken with the Bon-Stars telescope From the University of Hawaii, ”he explains.

Photos, “In the solar system, between Mars and Jupiter, contains many asteroids, and my duty as a member of that campaign is to download, analyze and I have to keep everything I see as a written statement I send to IASC integration. A professional astronomer compares my written report to a database to determine if there is a new asteroid.

Miguel’s report has already gone through two phasesFirst, when the first astronomer listed his report as a ‘preliminary’ discovery ‘; And the second occurred when experts from various monitoring stations re-examined the report and verified that it was indeed a new contribution.

“Many labs are studying that part of the sky to see if they really agree that it is a new asteroid. If everyone agrees, it will become a temporary invention That’s when NASA certifies, recognizes and identifies it, ”the little researcher explained.

The process between preliminary and temporary discoveries would take months, so even though Miguel discovered the asteroid in April, he did not receive certification until December. “Now they have to follow its orbit until all the characteristics of the asteroid are known, A process that takes many years, after which you can name and I can name it myself, ”he says enthusiastically.

Fan of Elon Musk

“What I really like most is research,” Miguel insists when asked what is the thing that attracts his most attention, apart from astronomy. However, as he grows up, he says, his parents and teachers at his school instilled it in him It is important to include sports training at your age For their growth and development.

“That’s when I started practicing tennis and boxing. I also like music. I play four. [el característico instrumento musical venezolano] Y My favorite music of the 70s, 80s and 90s“He has been studying for many years and wants to learn new languages ​​like English and French,” he said.

That young man astronomy, cosmology, planetary science and above all, Aerospace engineering, the profession you want to study Must be a professional and work with NASA.

Another of his goals Meet and chat with the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk. “He is an inspiration to me, a role model. He is now one of the most influential people in the world, making great technological and spatial advances. I would love to meet and talk with him.”

Why is space exploration important?

For the most part, space research and exploration has been of great help to mankind in advances in technology and its preservation as a species in the future.

“Because those who say space travel does not contribute are very wrong The technology that helps us in everyday life comes from there, and sometimes we don’t even realize it. It is present in everything like cell phone technology, internet, communication, satellite signals, cameras, laptops.

In this way, he says: “Space exploration will continue to help continue the evolution of mankindDiscover new territories, new technologies, planets and galaxies. One day the journey between the moon, Mars, planets is common and there is even a site where we can live in space.

I like to vacation in space, We can go to Mars and live on a site created by astronomers and travel to other planets from there, even though they may seem like science fiction stuff, we are very close to reaching it.

“I want to make a mark in the world”

This Venezuelan, at his young age, with the unconditional support of his parents, continues to work to achieve new discoveries and achieve his dreams. “I want to create an identity in the world through astronomy, which is the future, and I thank my parents so much because I would not be where I am now without their support. They have supported me from a young age, which is not a common interest, and they have done everything they can to give me the best tools and take me to my dreams.

Miguel says children with extraordinary interests should keep their dreams alive and act towards what others say.

Fighting for the last forest in the western plains of Venezuela and the home of the spider monkey, the most dangerous animal

“I tell them to continue to believe in science. They are not afraid that they are interested in something that is not common among young people Our age, they are constantly reading, studying, researching, listening to lectures.

Science does not require a large telescope or a large laboratoryMiguel adds, he assures that the need for an important scientific discovery must be consistent, consistent and dedicated.

In Venezuela, in addition to Miguel’s discovery, The IASC Recent discoveries by Venezuelan researchers Jose Angel Mora Robles, Andres Jose Mora Sanchez and Isaac Futriaco have uncovered a distant star located in the Milky Way from the Coronte astronomical center in the state of Tachira. A dwarf star experiencing a huge flash.

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Misty Tate

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