Minciencias and Registraduría join forces to strengthen the digital ecosystem – Science – Life

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Titus Crissien, and the national registrar, Alejandro Vega placeholder image, signed an inter-administrative agreement, through which the portfolio will support the strengthening of the National Registry with the formulation,
research and development of tools on issues of Big Data, Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, among others.

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The agreement to strengthen the Colombian digital ecosystem was signed this Thursday, within the framework of the tour ‘Fulfilling the regions’, led by the president Ivan Duque from Villavicencio (Meta).

Minister Crissien highlighted that this agreement arises from the recommendations made by the International Mission of the Wise 2019, which highlight the urgency of including the digital identity of citizens as a tool to improve the offer of public and private services, and in this way achieve the digital transformation of the State.

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“According to the Mission of the Wise Men, digital identity is necessary to generate innovation conditions in the Colombian State, therefore, with the agreement with the National Registry, led by Alexander Vega, we will support the formulation, research, development and implementation of technological solutions such as Big Data, IoT, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, among others, that can be applied to their missionary processes ”, indicated the head of Ministries.

Minisciences and registry

The agreement was signed in Villavicencio (Meta), with the presence of President Iván Duque.


Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

Both entities will carry out pilot tests that will allow them to generate results of adaptability of said technologies; consolidate studies and research projects; and explore with national and international universities the formation of development networks.

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Both parties hope that with this inter-institutional agreement they will continue working on the consolidation of a knowledge society, which is preparing to participate effectively in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

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These activities, and all compliance with the agreement, will be carried out under the supervision of a Monitoring Committee, which will be made up of members of the Ministry of Sciences and the National Registry.

* With information from the Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Innovation

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Myrtle Frost

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