Unscrupulous masquerades as officials from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Communications solicit information from people and companies about their cybersecurity strategies.
Minister Paula Vega alerted that mid-day, who confirmed that she had received reports of this situation, while denying any activity of this kind issued by the entity.
“We are not and will not require any kind of information from private companies about cybersecurity because our competition does not reach this sector; our work focuses only on ensuring computer security for public organizations and that the connections we establish with them are through their IT managers,” Hierarchy noted.
Vega explained that the only statistical data collection exercise is carried out annually in partnership with the National University, with the aim of feeding its indicator base at the state level in science, technology and innovation, but to obtain this material another type of methodology is used.
The authorities of this Ministry have taken the opportunity to assure that at the moment no new cyber-attacks certified by the Conti Group have been reported, while continuing to install computer security software in government institutions affected by reported computer system violations for some time. Almost three weeks now.
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