MIT creates alliance between humans and robots to operate safe flights

Air-Guardian is funded by various public bodies in the United States. (Illustration Image Infobae)

Air-Guardian It is a system developed by researchers MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). This technology supports pilots at critical moments when they need to process multiple information simultaneously from multiple monitors, as it acts as a pioneering co-pilot by integrating human and robotic tasks through attention-based understanding.

Attention, in humans, operates through eye tracking and a neural system that creates “saliency maps” that indicate the direction of attention. Diagrams act as visual guides that highlight key areas in an image, helping to understand and understand the behavior of complex algorithms in the case of machines.

Air-Guardian Detects early signs of potential hazards through these attention signals. It activates at any time, not just when a security breach occurs, as conventional autopilot systems do.

Traditional autopilots only operate when there is danger. (Photo: Pixabay)

“An interesting aspect of our method is its diversity,” Postdock said MIT CSAIL LianhaoLead author of a new article in the Air-Guardian.

“Our collaborative layer and the entire end-to-end process can be trained. We specifically chose a continuous deep causal neural network model because of its dynamic nature in attention mapping. Another unique feature is adaptability. The Air-Guardian system is not rigid; “it can be adjusted based on the demands of the situation, “Ensuring a balanced partnership between humans and machines,” he explained. Yin.

Key strength Air-Guardian Its core lies in technology: through a cooperative optimization-based layer that captures the visual attention of both humans and machines, as well as continuous-time fluid neural networks (CfC) known for their ability to analyze cause-and-effect relationships. In effect, it examines incoming images for critical information.

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Execute the algorithm VisualBackPropIt identifies the focal points of the system in an image, ensuring a clear understanding of its focus maps.

The test flights carried out by this new system fulfilled their purpose. Archive photo. EFE/EPA/JUSTIN LANE

During the field test, both the pilot and the system made decisions using the same unaltered images while heading towards the designated route.

Air-Guardian’s success was measured in terms of overall rewards earned during the flight and shortest route to route. This system reduced the risk level of flights and increased the success rate of navigation to target points.

For future mass adoption, the human-machine interface needs to be perfected. The researchers who led the experiments suggest that an indicator such as a bar would be more intuitive to indicate when the guardian system is taking over.

The US Air Force is helping to fund this research. (Senior Airman Elora J. Martinez/US Air Force AP, via file)

“The Air-Guardian system highlights the synergy between human expertise and machine learning, furthering the goal of using machine learning to assist pilots in challenging situations and reduce operational errors,” it said. Daniela RussDirector of CSAIL and lead author of the article.

“One of the most interesting results of using the visual attention metric in this work is the potential to allow for earlier interventions and greater interpretation by human pilots,” said Stephanie Gill, assistant professor of computer science at Harvard University.

This research was partially funded by United States Air Force Research Laboratory (USAF), The USAF Artificial Intelligence Accelerator, Boeing Co. And this Office of Naval Research Said the country.

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Misty Tate

"Freelance twitter advocate. Hardcore food nerd. Avid writer. Infuriatingly humble problem solver."

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