Moscow: Countries sending arms or mercenaries to Ukraine will respond International | News

The Russian Foreign Ministry warned on Wednesday by its spokeswoman Maria Sajarova that countries that decide to send arms or mercenaries to Ukraine would “respond” and bear the “consequences”.

In an interview with the Russian company Sputnik, the spokesman informed the embassies of various countries in Moscow about the warning, which he noted was “having an effect”.

Zakharova pointed out that Russian ambassadors had already communicated this position to their respective countries, although he did not elaborate on what kind of action Moscow would take.

“We need to understand what these countries are responsible for. How do they understand this? It is very simple. Our ambassadors, ambassadors and our embassies have sent our clear and well-designed position to these capitals,” he clarified in an interview with DOS.

After speaking with the embassy, ​​Zakarova stressed that “this move by Moscow” had its effect, as “the unrestrained rhetoric echoed by some countries subsided”.

In his opinion, Dass says, “European countries should be aware that volunteers and mercenaries sent to Ukraine will return to Europe as” tough fighters, “just as the” many years of flooding in the EU “are coming from the Middle East.”

Following the invasion of the country on February 24, at the behest of Russian President Vladimir Putin, EU countries agreed to send military supplies and weapons to Ukraine as a group and some of them individually. .

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky also called on citizens of foreign countries who are friendly with Ukraine to join the struggle against the Russian occupation.

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According to the rules of the Ukrainian military service, foreign nationals can voluntarily join the Armed Forces, such as the regional security forces.

Therefore, foreigners arriving in Ukraine will be integrated into the new unit of the “International Brigade for Regional Security of Ukraine”. (I)

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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