Mother Shows Conditions at a School in Holguin: “From the Underworld”

A Cuban mother showed her network the dire state of what her girls’ school will look like next school year.

Yenise FernandezA resident of Holguin denounced threats for demanding her daughter’s right to a decent school.

“This is a new school for my daughter and other children, underworld conditions,” he said on his Facebook profile. Facebook.

Captured by Facebook / Yenys Fernández

Yenis shared a video where you can see the space that has been adapted to teach classes and where students’ chairs and desks are already located.

“This is the school my daughter is supposed to be starting (…). This is going to be her classroom, a warehouse,” she said.

In another video, the mother showed the huge distance the students had to travel every day to get from their classroom to the toilet.

“This is outrageous. (…) So they are asking for patience,” he questioned.

Last March, the situation at Pepito Mendoza Garcia Elementary School in Camagüey City. Kitchen where food is prepared outside for children and workers“Under the rain, sun and calm”.

Sources who condemned the incident told independent journalist Jose Luis Don Estrada that the only response from education and government in the province is that there is no budget to fix the campus, “it will be fixed one day.”

“Is the education sector really a priority in this region? How is it possible that the authorities in Kamagui continue to give credit to the ‘everything is good’ media show and empty hashtags like #MejorEsPosible? , right under their noses with this panorama?”, questioned the reporter.

In September 2022, an elementary school teacher in Holguin condemned what preschoolers had to do. Their school was in danger of collapsing and taking outdoor classes.

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The event took place at Belisario Grave de Peralta School, located on Kibara Highway in Camerons, a rural town six kilometers from the capital.

“The school year has started again and how is it possible for preschool children to continue under the mango tree in my workplace, because of the risk of collapse,” said teacher Melissa Cabrera Marrades on Facebook.

Showing photos of four- and five-year-old children sitting on chairs and tables in the shade of trees, Melissa pointed out that the situation had been reported to relevant authorities before the start of the course.

“The school is collapsing. Because of negligence, knowing about the situation,” he said.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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