NASA detects Perseverance rover crash on Mars due to debris: Photos

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A Accumulation of debris complicates the storage process Called sample tubes Take the diligence rover to Mars. NASA is studying how to clean them.

The sixth sample tube was successfully filled on December 29 from Jessero Greater. However, when they transfer the pipe to the tank inside the rover on which they are processed, The sensors indicate an abnormality– More resistance than usual, so the rover arm of the rover will seal and store the tube.

The earth crew sent an order to remove the drilling bit and sample-filled tube from the reservoir and to remove the robot arm from the reservoir.

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During these operations, a series of images were obtained confirming the presence of fragments of some pebble-sized debris within the deposit. The team believes these are rock core fragments that were prevented from exiting the sample tube as soon as the bit was removed and sitting completely in the reservoir.

The designers of the depot considered the ability to continue to operate successfully with debris.

“However, this is the first time we have removed the debris, and we would like to take the time needed to ensure that these pebbles come out in a controlled and orderly manner,” says the Mission blog.


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Misty Tate

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