NASA has canceled a spacewalk due to a leak in the astronaut’s helmet

The Pot Has announced a halt to non-emergency space travel on board International Space Station (ISS) While investigating what caused a water leak in an astronaut’s helmet during a march in March.

“Until we have a better understanding of what the causal factors have been in the past [caminata espacial] With us [trajes espaciales]We are not going [caminatas espaciales] Nominally, “said Dana Weigel, deputy program manager for the ISS, this week.

Weigel added that it was important for NASA to “address and reject major computer failure methods” in the wake of the recent incident.

The questionable spacewalk, conducted by NASA astronaut Raja Sari and European Space Agency astronaut Matthias Maurer, took place outside the ISS on March 23. When Moore returned to the station’s airlock at the end of a seven-hour excursion, he was found to be stagnant on Moore’s surface. Initial investigation revealed that 50% of the visor was water-coated, and much of the space was found on the suction pad on the back of his helmet.

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Marr’s case was not considered an emergency at the time, but it had the most serious and life-threatening echoes of the space station in 2013. For that reason, NASA did not take any chances.

It involved Italian astronaut Luca Permitano, who drowned when his helmet began to absorb water during a spacewalk.

Burmitano later said that while working outside the station, water stains began to enter his nose, mouth and eyes, which impedes his ability to see his surroundings clearly. But above all, the accumulation of fluid began to negatively affect her breathing.

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Despite poor vision and breathing problems, Bermitano remained cool and returned to careful flight and safety. In his case, a dirty fan pump in the space suit was the cause of the problem.

Incidents like this are fortunately rare during space travel, and no astronaut has been killed or seriously injured during several hundred missions since it became operational two decades ago.

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Misty Tate

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