Natty Natasha shares pictures of meeting her boyfriend Rafi Pina

Singer Natty Natasha The social network reappeared on Instagram, in the form of stories, to share with followers the images that appear to be his daily commitment to his life partner, Robbie BinaWho is serving his sentence in a federal prison in Guanapo.

The urban musician has published a series of stories that put her near the prison company.

“Every Night is My Date” establishes the first message set to music with the theme of his talented “Another World”, whose lyrics say: “I think of you / How do you think of me / Should I come to you / Or should you come here / Tell / We run away and descend into another world … I always call you / Dad in my mind. We want to go”.

Natty Natasha
Natty Natasha (Instagram)

The series continues with another image, half of which forms the heart, while the prison can be seen in the background.

Natty Natasha
Natty Natasha (Instagram)

“In the same place, at the same time”, the final message before ending with a video, already from the vehicle: “Always here, my champion”.

Natty Natasha
Natty Natasha (Instagram)

Shortly after Pina’s conviction was announced on May 24 for violating federal arms laws, Natty Natasha deleted the photos posted on her Instagram. After that, he uploaded only two stories to republish the news of his daughter’s father, in which he gave the prison address to write.

Natty Natasha
Natty Natasha (Instagram)

The singer continued to support her fianc during the trial and subsequent sentencing. In some of the cases he expressed about the situation, he reaffirmed his confidence in her.

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After going with him to surrender to federal officials in court, he told reporters: “He is a brave man, a champion, no matter what happens in this whole process, it is still missing, the man you saw today, you see every day, he is always the man who teaches on (social) networks , A family man, a confident man, a responsible man, this is another test we will pass.

Pina was sentenced to three years and five months in prison. His defense has petitioned the U.S. Court of Appeals to allow him to serve on the first circuit bail currently in Boston while attempting to overturn the criminal verdict against him.

Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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