Negative test or proof that a person has recovered with Covit-19

According to public information released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), all persons arriving in the United States by air must present a test with a negative result for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or those involved in certifying that they are infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and Are currently being cured.

Testing for SARS-CoV-2 virus infection must be done 72 hours (3 days) prior to arrival in the United States, and both molecular and antigen tests must be accepted and a document certifying a negative test result must be submitted. In printed form.

This measure applies to all persons over 2 years of age, including U.S. citizens, permanent residents and citizens in transit.

At the same time, the MFA states that U.S. federal officials recommend that individuals entering the United States be screened after 3 to 5 days and be isolated at home for up to 7 days. From the moment it entered the US border.

The State Department is reminded that Romanian citizens can travel to the United States for a period of time restricted by special issues, such as visa type and quality of travel. At the same time, the MFA recommends checking travel applicable restrictions, depending on the states being shipped to the United States, available on the US State Department website:, As well as with the airline operating the aircraft to obtain the latest information.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reminds Romanian citizens to call the Romanian Embassy in Washington for assistance: 001 (202) 332-2392, 001 (202) 332-2935, 001 (202) 332-4858, Consulate General in New York2202: 001 , 001 212 682-9121, Consulate General of Romania in Chicago: (001) (312) 573-1315, (001) (312) 573-1181, Consulate General of Romania in Los Angeles: 001 310-444-0623, 001 310-473- 8061, 001 310-231-4468, Consulate General of Romania in Miami: 001.305.763.8714, 001.305.763.8874, calls are forwarded to the Contact and Support Center. Acquired on a permanent basis by Romanian citizens abroad (CCSCRS) and call center operators.

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In addition, Romanian citizens facing urgent, difficult, special circumstances have the emergency telephone number of the diplomatic mission in Washington: 001 (202) 420-8350, Romanian Consulate in New York: 001 917 6799874, Romanian Consulate in Chicago (31) (31) ) 307-2923, Consulate General of Romania in Los Angeles: 001 310-721-0474, Consulate General of Romania in Miami: 001.202.515.8953.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends consulting websites,,,, And

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Eden Hayes

"Wannabe gamer. Subtly charming beer buff. General pop culture trailblazer. Incurable thinker. Certified analyst."

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