‘Nothing to discuss on Gonajo Island’: JOH of the Salvadoran Supplementary Report

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.- President of Honduran Juan Orlando Hernandez Confirmed this Monday, there is “nothing to discuss” about Honduras’ ownership of the island of Gonajo Fonseka Gulf.

Estate Rabbit Island “Sometimes they use it to divert internal issues, but I’ve been there many times since I was a partner, and people from Honduras and El Salvador have also realized that this is a Honduran territory,” Hernandez said.

See: El Salvador, Honduras recognizes that it can not protect against the island konejo

“We are not here to discuss internal issues; it is an issue for Fonseka to go to work as a development zone in the Gulf. Fonseca Gulf has great potential for all three countries (Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua),” he pointed out.

“There’s nothing to discuss on the island of Gonajo,” Hernandez concluded.


Hernandez’s statements occur after a Salvador deputy responds The article was published in the La Princa newspaper It included Ruben Zamora, the former ambassador to El Salvador in Washington, and Crago Perez, an expert on Asian affairs and international law, who agreed to draw up an agreement between the neighboring country and China. Special Economic Zone (ZEE) of El Salvador to the southeast, but also in violation of its own sovereignty, Honduras hponceka affect the pullout of the Gulf Coast, and also threatens the security of the United States.

“I will encourage the President (Naib) Check out Thus it can do what it needs to do to reclaim the island of Gonzalez, a place Honduras wants to occupy in order to gain access to the Pacific Ocean, “said Gillermo Gallicos, a Ghanaian legislator.

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See also: Unrest grows at the heliport on the island of Gonajo

In addition, Caligos assured Honduras not to worry about the alleged signing of an agreement allowing China to manage 7,000 hectares of land in El Salvador, and said he was unaware of the existence of the deal, although it had been signed. Under the administration of a former president. Serey Salvador Sanchez.

“Instead, we should be concerned, because there are so many years they acquired konejo island, which is geographically and historically belongs to us,” he stressed kelikos, he devoted himself to his social networks to share. They were in the local media in their country.

The island of Konajo covers an area of ​​0.5 square kilometers (50 hectares) and has been in dispute for some time between the two Central American countries, with El Salvador claiming that it was occupied by the Honduran army in 1982 to establish a military division, but Honduras is theirs because it is so close to Honduran waters.

In addition, after 10 years, the International Court in The Hague issued many islands in the Gulf of Fonseka, explicitly specifying konejo island, El Salvador’s right to appeal led to that place, but the 2002 Hague They rejected the argument, Gives total control of the territory to Honduras.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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