Of the new open space they warn of “a lack of space to engage in Chaco’s radical activities”.

In a statement issued to the media, a The internal movement of the Radical Civil Union led by Aida Ayalaexpresses that “again UCR of Chaco does not respect the forms of participation and integration to generate The long-awaited unity will allow us to achieve victory in next year’s elections.”.

Full statement:

From the new open space we note with concern that the same methodologies and strategies are maintained by certain sections of the radicalism that run the party and that it has only led to the loss of elections.

We are witnessing internal discrimination between movements, also to some extent on the basis of gender, in which the only woman leading an internal space is not given the opportunity to be part of an overpowered armed group. Political bans for armed reasons did not produce anything positive in the past and even less so today.

The NEA was born to debate, to suggest, to listen and, above all, to provide a space for all citizens of good will who want a better Chaco and in particular a better resistance, with equality, education, health and more work for all and without the famine that is striking today so colossally.

The same thing happened some time ago at an event organized by the Inner Line in the National University in the Northeast, then came the Near East Regional Meeting of Young Radicals, and now they are again repeating the scheme in which the Radical House was organized and called up from the “distinguished” sectors of the UCR for a few.

Our interest goes beyond these meetings. It makes us think, if those who want to be champions next year and lead the formulas intend to carry out great armament, they should do it with everyone, not just keep empty slogans for political communication campaigns.

We call on those who lead the Radical Civic Union, headed by President Juan Carlos Bolini, to walk the streets and speak with the people of the entire interior and the Great Resistance who need and seek change. We must show the people of Chaco that we can be a real alternative, if we continue with these sectarian and sporadic events that only show individuality we will not convince anyone.

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Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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