Oppression is on the rise in Cuba: Open letter to world leaders from opponents of the abduction of Luis Manuel Odero Alcandara

Luis Manuel Odero Alcondara, artist, dissident and leader of the San Isitro Movement (EFE)
Luis Manuel Odero Alcondara, artist, dissident and leader of the San Isitro Movement (EFE)

A UN Open letter to Secretary-General Pope Francis, Joe Biden, the European Parliament and “all in good faith”.Cuban opposition leaders have demanded the release of Luis Manuel Otero Alcondara, an artist abducted by the regime.

Today, The leader of the San Isitro movement was forcibly admitted to a hospital in Havana Fasting and striking for more than seven days. The regime did not explain how it expelled him from his home or under what conditions. Hours passed and nothing was known about him.

“In the early hours of May 2, 2021, the repressive forces of a one-party regime in Havana, Cuba, abducted a young dissident artist.. According to official sources, they are holding him at General Calico Garcia University Hospital and showing no signs of malnutrition, due to normal medical and biochemical parameters. The Castro-Communist regime and its media lie and slander every statement about the peaceful opposition to Cuba. How can we trust them at this time? ”Condemn the signatories, including famous activists Berta Solar Fernandez and Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia.

In the text, They warn that the life of Odero Alcandara is in great danger, Not only because of the dangers of its protracted hunger strike, but also because of “the regime’s extreme hatred of human rights defenders and its courage to face it with determination and courage through non – violent methods of struggle.”

They cite the cases of Orlando Sabada Tamayo in 2010 and Wilman Willer Mendoza in 2012 as dramatic pioneers: “Both died of starvation in medical facilities, After experiencing horrific and inhumane treatment and unsanitary conditions in the island’s prisons ”.

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“Those who respect and value the life of every human being, protect the liberties and fundamental rights of the individual, and love truth and justice.” We cannot remain silent or look the other way in the face of grave and blatant human rights abuses committed by the Miguel Theos-Colonel regime, The current First Secretary of the Communist Party and the ‘President’ of the Republic of Cuba, they condemn.

Developed by Louis Manuel Otero Alcondara a "Bad carotene" To condemn the repressive policies of the Cuban regime
Louis Manuel Ottoro Alcondara created a “bad stick” to condemn the repressive policies of the Cuban regime

Finally, they call on the international community: “It is everyone’s duty to save the life of Luis Manuel Odero Alcandara!”

The open letter contains the signatures of Berta Solar Fernandez, a representative of women in white; Martha Beatrice Rock Cabello, economist and former prisoner of conscience; Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia, General Coordinator of UNPACU; Ivan Hernandez Guerrero, ASIC of the Independent Trade Union Confederation of Cuba; Arianna Lopez Rogue, of the Julio Machado Academy; Angel Moya Acosta, former prisoner of conscience; Felix Navarro Rodriguez, Party for Democracy-Pedro Louis Poydell; Juan Alberto de la News Rameres from the Citizens Movement for MCRR Reflection and Reconciliation; Roberto Lopez Ramos of the Independent College of Education in Cuba, CBIC; Yannispel Valido Perez, ¨ Leoncio Vitale Civic Commander; Pastor Alan Tolidano Valiant and Pastor Joel Demetrio Aspran Morales.

Full letter:

The life of Louis Manuel Odero Alcondara is in great danger. We demand the hope of life and the end of oppression.

Open letter to:

Pope Francisco,

UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres,

Joe Biden and other representatives of the current US administration,

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Joseph Borel and other representatives of the European Commission,

European Parliament,

US Congress,

Leaders and parliaments of democracies,

Human rights organizations,

Bishops, Priests and Catholic Priests of Cuba

Pastors, Churches and Evangelicals,

Peaceful protest, independent civil society and the Cuban people,

All well-meaning people:

On May 2, 2021, in Havana, the repressive forces of the one-party regime in power in Cuba kidnapped Luis Manuel Otero Alcondara, a young dissident artist who was the leader of the San Isitro movement. Continuous and growing violations of their fundamental rights and an increase in repression and police siege against opponents, artists and independent journalists. According to official sources, they kept him at the University Hospital of General Calico Garcia, and “showed no signs of malnutrition due to normal medical and biochemical parameters.” The Castro-Communist regime and its media lie and slander every statement about the peaceful opposition to Cuba. How to trust them at this time?

Cuban dissent was on a hunger strike as regime forces destroyed and stole his artwork.
Cuban dissent was on a hunger strike as regime forces destroyed and stole his artwork.

The fact of the matter is that the life of Odero Alcandara is in great danger not only because of the dangers of going on a long hunger strike and the Thaka strike, but also because of the regime’s extreme hatred of human rights defenders and the brave. We have to face it with determination and courage through non-violent methods of struggle. Let’s remember what happened to Orlando Sabada Tamayo in 2010 and Wilman Willer Mendoza in 2012. Both died in medical facilities while on hunger strike and were subjected to horrific and inhumane treatment and unsanitary conditions in the island’s prisons. We must not forget the suspicious circumstances surrounding the deaths of Oswaldo ghost Sardinas and Laura Polon Toledo, among other events we can cite.

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Those who value and value the life of every human being, who protect the liberties and fundamental rights of the individual, and who love truth and justice, cannot remain silent or look the other way. The current First Secretary of the Communist Party and the supreme leader of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Colonel.

It is everyone’s duty to save the life of Louis Manuel Odero Alcandara!


1. Berta Solar Fernandez. Representative of women in white.

2. Martha Beatrice Rock Cabello. Economist and former prisoner of conscience.

3. Jose Daniel Ferrer Garcia. General Coordinator of UNPACU.

4. Ivan Hernandez Carrillo. Cuba’s Independent Trade Union Confederation, ASIC.

5. Arianna Lopez Rock. Ul Julio Machado Academy.

6. Angel Moya Acosta. Former prisoner of conscience.

7. Felix Navarro Rodriguez. Party for Democracy – Petro Louis Poytel.

8. Juan Alberto de la News Ramares. Citizens Movement Reflection and Reconciliation, MCR

9. Roberto Lopez Ramos. College of Independent Teachers of Cuba, CBIC.

10. Yannispell Valido Perez. Civic Command e Leoncio Vidale.

11. Pastor Alan Toledano Valiant.

12. Pastor Joel Demetrio Aspron Morales.

Luis Manuel Odero is open to the signatures of other brethren in the struggle for Alcondara’s life and for the opposition and the regime’s increased repression against the people in general.

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Eden Hayes

"Wannabe gamer. Subtly charming beer buff. General pop culture trailblazer. Incurable thinker. Certified analyst."

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