Orlando Bloom is following in the footsteps of Cristiano Ronaldo and Chris Hemsworth by getting into cryotherapy.

actor Orlando Bloom (Pirates of the Caribbean And lord of the rings) is defined and slimmer than ever at 47. The reason for his body transformation is a movie: cutA film directed by Sean Ellis, in which he plays a boxer who gives up his best sporting career in Las Vegas and accepts a comeback fight. The make-up and characterization work on the one hand and Bloom's work on the other hand make the Hollywood star less recognizable on screen than before, who in preparation for this work joined a fashionable recovery technique: bathing in ice water, also known as Cryotherapy.

Orlando Bloom's physical transformation to film The Cut is more surprising than Chris Hemsworth as a villain. Mad Max Or Zac Efron stepping into the shoes of a fighter in The Iron Clan. Both the actors were already in great physical shape before playing the two roles mentioned. And milk mezcal, albeit in lesser quantities, before preparation Gladiator 2. On the other hand, Orlando Bloom was not so fit: he continued his form because he did not weigh more than 83 kg – he himself said in an interview. Deadline– But He didn't have the muscular body he has now..

Orlando Bloom

Photography by Greg Williams

To achieve this physical transformation, the actor, the partner of singer Katy Perry, with whom he has a common daughter (Daisy, 4 years old), Worked with nutritionist Philip Coglia. The diet plan he designed for the actor surprised him because “he ate more than expected to maintain muscle mass but lose weight.” Among other features of the diet, he took a spoonful of honey at night to maintain muscle mass and lose fat at the same time. It was like this for three months, at that He reduced his weight to 77 kgAnd then shed even more kilos until he reached 70, eating only five small meals a day, most of them “tuna and cucumber, nothing more,” the actor admits in the aforementioned interview.

To this demanding nutrition plan, Orlando Bloom added another plan, and that was training. “The training regime was very intense Two hours of cardio every day, one hour in the morning and one hour at night, then boxingThen weights and a very small amount of food,” he explains. He even claims to have lost four and a half kilos in water – he lost over 20 kilos in total for the character – thanks to the boxers' usual routine before weigh-ins: a hot bath with Epsom salts.

Physical recovery is an essential pillar in this training program, given the short time frame. That's where Orlando Bloom added to his training a fashionable resource for taking care of the body after an intense physical session: ice water baths or cryotherapy.

Like the aforementioned Chris Hemsworth, who bathed in an improvised bathtub on the set of his latest film, Zac Efron and the athletes who take care of the maximum are filmed in a natural setting with none of these kinds of resources. Body, Cristiano Ronaldo on the head, Orlando Bloom also showed on social networks With this cold bath he restored his muscles.

Celebrities who have sought cryotherapy are no exception; In fact, it is common for these recovery areas to be prepared in the locker rooms of collegiate sports teams, such as football. Benzema and Mbappe (When he played for PSG) some players have posted videos of themselves recovering in ice water and recently, in the same preseason, he shared a picture of players like FC Barcelona. Lewandowski or Rabina Outside in a tub of ice water during a summer workout.

FC Barcelona players in a cold shower

x @FCBarcelona_es

What is cryotherapy?

Special Recovery Center, Recovery, Cryotherapy” explains A technique that involves the therapeutic use of extreme cold to treat various physical conditions». It can be ice, but cryogenic gases or special cooling systems can be sources to cool and control the temperature of the water.

Broadly speaking, this recovery technique consists of immersion in water, usually in a bathtub or similar, which has a temperature of 8 to 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. This bath lasts for several minutes.Approximately between 10 and 20, and scheduled after training. Sometimes they are combined with contrasts in a sauna or hot water, depending on the needs of the athlete or actor.

The main purpose of these ice water baths, Recovery points out, is to “Reduce inflammation and relieve pain, This makes it a valuable tool for physiotherapy and rehabilitation. In fact, in addition to acute injuries such as sprains or to relieve chronic pain, cryotherapy is recommended, according to the specialized clinic, to combat muscle overload and help the sports rehabilitation process. “When the muscles are subjected to a lot of effort, such as in intense sports, cryotherapy can relieve muscle fatigue and reduce inflammation,” Recoveryy points out of the first mentioned applications. Second, regarding rehabilitation, they highlight that it helps them “maintain their performance and reduce the risk of injuries.”

Cristiano Ronaldo in an ice bath

instagram @cristiano

Additionally, there are athletes who use cryotherapy heavily in their training program, who also highlight these ice water baths for their ability to help the athlete mentally.

For example, the ultra-endurance athlete Rich Roll and An ambassador Immersion in ice water calms you down, clears your mind, and acts as an anti-depressant; “It's very effective.” The athlete's claim is backed up by scientific studies – for example, this one: 'Health Effects of Voluntary Exposure to Cold Water: A Topic of Perpetual Debate' – This indicates that bathing in ice water can have mental health benefits.

There is no doubt, at least among sports trainers of celebrities and professional athletes, the benefits of cryotherapy as a recovery and rehabilitation technique. Ice baths are used, with few exceptions, by actors who undergo major physical changes in a very short period of time, as in the case of Orlando Bloom. cut, A movie you can watch in theaters right now.

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Gillian Patton

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