Owners of food stalls on Paseo del Riel request a space to work

The progress of the work and the enhancement of a sector of the Paseo del Riel where the Gandolfo Museum will soon be inaugurated, and the announcements of the mayor Marcos Ferrer about the need to remove the food carts from that sector, put its owners on alert .

The mayor indicated that these food stalls pose “unfair competition” for the rest of the merchants in the sector. Given these statements, the owners of the three cars that are in the place requested a meeting with the municipal official in search of a solution to this situation. However, so far they have not been received by any municipal authority.

“We just want to work, we want them to tell us where we can settle and that’s it. We never bother anyone, we always comply with all the requirements that were asked of us,” commented Martín, owner of one of the positions.

“In total we are three food trucks, of which more than 12 families live. We want to be able to continue working and bring a plate of food for our families. All we ask is that they tell us where we can settle and work,” claimed a woman , owner of another of the stalls, she also indicated: “Last year we were more than 80 days without being able to work and it was very hard for us, we got together among families to help each other and feed our children.”

“What the mayor said hurts us because we always comply with what they asked of us, we never had problems with Bromatology or with clients. As they asked us to make changes or some adjustments we made them and we complied,” said another woman .

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The three positions that are installed are fixed in the sector, since before the ordinance that regulates this activity was sanctioned and that establishes that they must be mobile.

“No one can appropriate public spaces,” Ferrer said at the amphitheater while announcing the works plan for the city last Tuesday.

“The mayor also said that he made the Industrial Park workshop available to make the modifications and adapt the cars so that they are mobile, but this is not so easy, because we already have the lowering of light there to be able to work and make them Cars are mobile means investing money that at this time we do not have, “said one of the owners. The woman insisted that they be given an answer to be able to relocate and continue working.” In the Paseo del Riel there are many spaces that today are not They use it for nothing, the grass is not even cut, where we could settle and not bother anyone and continue with our work, “he said.

For his part, the Secretary of Government Juan Manuel Bonzano, in statements to a radio station, said: “Over time we have generated a situation of disparity on aspects that were legislated and that were out of their cause and that is why now we have to sort it out. ” The official also added: “This week they received a notification informing them that they do not have the authorization to work and that the energy service will be interrupted so they must remove the merchandise they have there. They also have a deadline to remove them. of the place “.

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Bonzano explained that the Municipality intends to collaborate with the owners of these positions to make the necessary modifications. “We do not want to prevent them from working, on the contrary, as long as the ordinances are complied with,” he said.

In search of a concrete response from the authorities, the food truck owners peacefully demonstrated in front of the city’s Deliberative Council. “We did not come to generate any inconvenience, we only want them to attend to us and give us a concrete answer. We came with our children. We want to work ”, they maintained.

In Río Tercero there are about 25 food trucks or food trucks. “All of these have the corresponding authorization and comply with the ordinance that establishes that they must be mobile. Some are always installed in the same sector and others change week after week ”, explained Bonzano.
Faced with the possibility of allocating a sector of the city so that these three food stalls are installed permanently, the Secretary of Government explained that criteria could not be established to assign a few and not others, in addition to that it would be out of the question. established by municipal ordinance. “We started more than a year ago, before the pandemic, to have meetings with these owners of the stalls, during this period we listened to them and tried to find a solution together. Now is the time for them to begin to comply with the municipal ordinance, ”Bonzano concluded.

Myrtle Frost

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