PAHO in Argentina invites the new “Platform for the Decade of Healthy Aging”, a space for knowledge exchange – PAHO / WHO

Its launch will be next Thursday, September 9, in a virtual event at 1:00 p.m. in Argentina.

Buenos Aires, September 7, 2021 (PAHO / WHO) .- There are many efforts that countries and different actors are putting into addressing the Decade of Healthy Aging as a global strategy to build inclusive societies of all ages. And from these efforts arise experiences and knowledge of great value and that must be available in an equal way to all.

The Decade of Healthy Aging is a global collaborative initiative that brings together the efforts of different sectors and stakeholders, including governments, civil society, international organizations, professionals, universities, the media and the private sector, to improve lives of the elderly and their families and communities.

In this framework, the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) present the “Platform for the Decade of Healthy Aging”, a space to find, produce and share knowledge related to the comprehensive approach to the health of old people. As a collaborative platform, it will seek to gather all the knowledge of interest and be an access point for people from all over the world to contribute, consult and disseminate that knowledge.

Next Thursday, September 9 at 1:00 p.m., the global launch of the platform will take place and governments, intergovernmental organizations, civil society, the private sector, the academic sector, the media, the elderly and all those interested are especially invited.

All the information to participate in the event is available at the following link:


  • Thursday September 9
  • 13 hours from Argentina
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What is the Platform? A guide to knowledge

For the Decade of Healthy Aging to produce successful results, all who strive to improve the lives of older people and their families and communities must have equal access to a wealth of knowledge.

The Platform aims to be an inclusive and collaborative space that brings together all the knowledge of interest and that can be accessed by people from all over the world to contribute, consult and share that knowledge.

It is an online and multilingual collaborative space that allows access to content related to healthy aging. It has five sections to access stories about aging, publications, work plans, calls for organizations and training guides, among other content. It also enables an interactive and exchange space in which people, organizations and institutions of all kinds can publish and access dynamic and updated content.

Myrtle Frost

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