Patricia Sánchez: Guadalupe Llori’s condition is unbearable | Policy | News

Patricia Sanchez, a member of the National Assembly, is on the panel of self-proclaimed rebel lawmakers from the Green Caucasus who considers the situation of Guadeloupe Lori, the speaker of the legislature, to be irreversible, and her actions guarantee a full vote. Favorable to government policy.

The legislator confirms that this group of legislators puts the new tax on important issues and agrees with the Union for Hope (UNES) vote.

What happened to the green, and why did the bench break or split?

I would say this is not a gap, because all 25 Assembly members identify us as green drinkers, some of which further exacerbate the problem of diversity and allow differences of opinion that are inconsistent with the ideology of the movement. , And those who claim to be insurgents like us have ideological and political stability.

But what happened, legislator?

As of October 2021, after the ICSID passed the Convemar issue, with the release of the Pandora documents, we began to face some very important issues within the Legislature, but it was blocked.

Who stopped it?

It was blocked by President Guadeloupe Lori. Then came the Pandora Guarantee Commission, where we received a report within a month that would allow citizens to take responsibility for what is happening in this issue directly related to the President.

What exacerbated the green crisis?

The peak of the crisis is reflected in the emergency economic law, i.e. tax reform, where the Green Party proposed not to attack the popular classes, but the vote was different. The proposals have a government plan to be supported by the National Assembly through an unconditional section.

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Who is leading that division?

In particular, of these last votes, it was the Speaker of the Legislature who had a direct relationship with the President; Then, these votes are guaranteed to be in favor of government policy.

Since December, you have been away from the quadrupedal lorry, unaware of the integration of the bench?

We recognize the leadership of Raphael Lucero, and Ms. within 25 members.

If you recognized Rafael Lucero as the bench leader, would the problem be Guadeloupe Loritana?

Guadalupe did not respond to the ideological and political policy of the lorry movement.

But he is the head of an entire show in the state, not the greengrocer.

Exactly, but if a referendum is held from the position of Speaker of the House, it will no longer be a natural expression of the political forces, but there is a definite direction towards where they should lead.

Does he want to guide the council’s decisions in favor of the government?

That’s the problem, that’s what we don’t accept.

How many of you are called rebels?

For the time being we eight green comrades are not going to follow Lori’s political course. There is no majority without our votes.

Why did they not attend to the calls of the leader of the Marlon Shanti movement?

We do not attend the assembly because they only guide those meetings on how to vote. There is a call to Marlon Shanti for March 7, we are leaving.

Are you closer to Correismo than Green?

Since we are setting a new tax on issues like Pandora and tax reform, I would say that UNES coincides with the votes of eight Green Rebels.

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Do they accuse you of playing the game Correismo?

Not at all, Correismo feels identified, which is why he votes like this.

So, did you draw the line to propose Guadalupe Llori’s rating?

That’s right, we proposed after the tax reform was passed by the Ministry of Justice, because Ms. Guadalupe Lori quickly made all the paperwork for sending the law to the official register. The next day, we canceled and got involved when we had to qualify for the CAL program.

In this situation, did Guadeloupe Lori respond to government pressure?

Yes, because cancellation programs have stored them, and we requested changes to the order of the day. We feel that the CAL, at the very least, should be investigated, for which we would like to create a commission.

Isn’t retreating for that purpose?

That’s right, can not back down. The problem is not the side department that has to materialize all the laws, but the fact that the president has confused the role of the executive branch of the executive branch.

What saves a Guadeloupe lorry from being fired?

Honestly, I do not believe that Ms. Guadeloupe Lori will be saved because mistakes have been made and there is evidence. It is insurmountable. (I)

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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