Pedro Pierluisi declared a state of emergency for monkey flu

Governor Peter Pierluzzi A state of emergency has been declared due to the coronavirus Monkey disease (monkey disease) Department of Health In view of the increase in cases reported in Puerto Rico in recent days, to implement the necessary initiatives and measures to protect the health, well-being and public safety of the citizens.

The President signed yesterday, as reported by La Fortaleza in a statement Executive Order 2022-044 The Department of the Treasury, Office of Management and Budget (OGP) and the Financial and Financial Advisory Authority (AAFAF), mandates that appropriate steps be taken to allocate all DS as per applicable laws. Financial resources necessary to attend to this emergency, including access to emergency funds.

As of mid-week, Puerto Rico had 114 confirmed cases, 39 suspected cases, 36 close contacts and six people under investigation by Health, while 1,675 people in Puerto Rico had been vaccinated against monkey flu.

In the United States, by August 11, 10,768 confirmed cases had already been reported in 52 jurisdictions, which is why the federal government declared monkey flu a public health emergency.

“This reality requires all elements of society to work together to prevent the infection and spread of monkey flu. Likewise, given the immediate impact of this disease on our island, the Government of Puerto Rico sees the need to implement all measures necessary to prevent and control the spread of this disease and protect the well-being of our citizens,” said Pierluzzi said the executive order will take effect immediately and last for 30 days.

Read the Executive Order:

“Declaring an emergency is necessary to continue to expand the response implemented by the Department of Health to address monkey fever at the local level and internationally. “Through the declaration of emergency, we can guarantee the necessary resources to strengthen surveillance, detection, prevention, vaccination and related treatments to prevent the spread of this disease,” the governor added.

Measles is a zoonotic infection in many African countries that is transmitted from animals to humans and among people.

In the interview New dayOn Tuesday, the Principal Medical Officer of Health, Iris cardonaAlthough community transmission of the virus has been detected since last month, he pointed out that the outlook for the archipelago is more encouraging than in other jurisdictions.

“(It’s) I wouldn’t say it’s contained. I’d say the rate of infection is slowing down. We’ve always said there’s no isolation in the world, and we know it’s going to come at some point. There are over 42,000 cases in the world. There are tens of thousands of cases in the US. […] however, This is going at a rate that worries us, but not as dramatically as New York, Spain or Belgium. But what is seen in the rest of the world is who the affected people are”, he asserted.

On 7 May, the first cases of monkey fever outside Africa were reported, so on 16 May the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a monkey pox health alert. Four days later, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an advisory to the country about the disease.

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La Fortaleza outlined that, immediately, the local health department activated its emergency operation center at level 3, as established in the agency’s emergency operation plan. Following that, Salute made an announcement about monkey flu in Puerto Rico and then began the process of training and educating health professionals about this international outbreak.

In June, Health published A Short Guide to Epidemiological Surveillance of Monkey Disease in Puerto Rico This includes epidemiological and clinical criteria, case investigation, consolidation, collection, handling and packaging of specimens for virus, and control and prevention recommendations for health care providers in handling specimens. On July 23, the WHO declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.

Eden Hayes

"Wannabe gamer. Subtly charming beer buff. General pop culture trailblazer. Incurable thinker. Certified analyst."

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