“People’s Force decides not to hold primaries”| Daily list

After being one of three parties that decided to hold primaries with a closed register, the Fuerza del Pueblo decided that none of the elected positions would be subject to that process. That All candidates will be selected through survey and the Meeting of Leaders (Conference of Representatives).

“Last Monday, June 05, the political directorate of the party in response to those established in the laws and internal regulations, as well as the resolutions of the central directorate dated March 25 of this year and the Extraordinary National Congress ‘Domingo Jimenez’, held on the 27th and 28th of the same year. Adopted a decision not to opt for a primary system of electing candidates responsible for popular elections for the next election in 2024″, the party led by former President Lionel Fernandez said in a letter to the Central Election Commission (JCE).

Fuerza del Pueblo, the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) and the Opción Democrática have until noon this Monday to inform the JCE which charges will be disputed in the primary elections on Sunday, October 1. The previous term ended on May 30, but was extended on the former’s request.

Neither the PRM nor the Opción Democrática have yet released the list of charges they will submit to the primaries. It is to be recalled that the official party had already announced that The presidential candidate will be in that internal race.

Nominations contested by elections or delegate conventions must be decided by October 29.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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