‘Play with your nose covered’; ESPN Analyst Attacks Gignac for Pressure

Mexico City /

Have to shout somewhere else. Then Andre Pierre Kignok Said Mexican “tragedy” What The club did not support Tigress in the World Cup final, An analyst appeared ESPN Tell you-prose-it “Close the muzzle” Because, at the time, they were making fun of Riotos in the same match.

February 12 and remember that once Bayern Munich failed, The Frenchman posted on Twitter that “he had to change the mindset of the Mexican”, which generated all sorts of comments. A representative ESPN Deny him.

Ramiro Brunetta A Knock: ‘Close Your Nose’

The Analyst ESPN Carried everything to APG10 Ramiro Bruneta, Although he has nothing to do with football, his work is focused NFL How already The American football season is over, Now focused on his batteries in football.

“If you look at everything that happened with this French player Andre-Pierre Gignock in Tigris, the worst enemy of a Mexican is the Mexican himself, and he’s called Blah, Blah, Blah. I remember when they knocked out Riotos at the Club World Cup four or five years ago, that person made fun of me. Now that he’s gone, it turns out we can’t be teased, “he said in his Instagram story.

“If you don’t go to the Tigris you make fun of, the Tigress mocks the Riotos, they fight as big as they can. Shut your mouth and start playing, for which you charge well. In fact, keep your mouth shut and play. We will criticize, we will talk, we will create controversy that will feed us. ”

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Kignok and Pitelson ‘crossed paths’ on Twitter

Talks about differences of opinion from the front and the people ESPN, David Pitelson Another Critics for the football player’s comments They also exchanged texts in French.

Wilmot Chandler

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