Poncho de Nigris was shocked for making a joke about Paco Stanley

nigris ponchoAccording to the majority of social networks, He crossed the line after his joke on Paul Stanley Inside A famous houseHe also included his father, Paco Stanley, who was assassinated in 1999.

Awkward moment occurred Yesterday, when A themed party is held every week It contains reality show. In this case, the participants had to perform a standing routine.

From Nigris He pretended to interview his teammates, but no one thought he would pull off like he did. He shot Paul StanleyHe had had his differences in recent weeks.

“Are you blessed, son of Paco Stanley?What do you think about the bag of parrots that your dad dropped??”

was about the concept That controversial moment It is broadcast on television, Mario Pezaras dropped a white bag from the sack.

How did Paul Stanley take the joke?

No matter how strong the humor, Hoi’s host simply replied: “Another mezcal, another mezcal!”while smiling.

Netizens are the ones who don’t forgive the actorHe points out that they shouldn’t interfere in the family and that Paul is less so because of the situation he went through with his father.

Not with family, it’s horrible, don’t appreciate it”, “Not with family!”, “Why are they attacking each other? If that’s true”, “How to bring the family in?”, “Ponzo should ask Mario, not Paul he’s a kid!”

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Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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