Princess Charlotte celebrates her sixth birthday this Sunday, during the anniversary, at the British Royal House Photo of the woman taken by her mother Kate Middleton.
This snapshot, in which the woman appears to be wearing a smiling floral dress, was taken in Norfolk this weekend.
Charlotte, fourth in line to the British throne, She was born on May 2, 2015 at 8:34 am in St Mary’s Hospital, London.. Her full name is Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, and it covers not only her great grandmother Queen Elizabeth, but also her paternal grandmother Lady D, Diana Spencer.
Was The first princess born since 1990, After Eugenia de York, daughter of the Queen’s third son Andres.
She was the first British princess not to be violated by a brother in the next row. This is thanks to an edict signed by the Queen in 2011 Subsequent laws to the throne, which allowed only men to inherit, excluded women, Which has been in practice for over 300 years.
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