Rain of lyrical stars: how and when to see them? – Science – Life

Between April 16 and 25, the event of lyid meteor shower, which will have its peak on the 22nd of the month. This is the first spring meteor shower in the Northern Hemisphere.

Lyids are a kind of meteorite that is named after the constellations in which they are generated. In this case, the constellation Lyra.

When these fragments of asteroid or meteorites enter the atmosphere they disintegrate by the heat and generate this visual spectacle.

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With this meteor shower you can see up to 18 cars per hour, maximum observable rate, as reported by the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics I of Mexico, which also ensures that, although the event will take place from the early hours of the 22nd, it will be at night, when it is most you will appreciate.

To see the Lyrids, it is recommended to go to a secluded place in the city. This can be from a beach, the field, a lake or the mountain. Always away from any nearby construction, as the lights interfere with the spectacle in the sky.

In this way, you can see the sky as dark as possible in order to observe the so-called shooting stars. Remember to look towards the East, which is the place where the constellation Lyra is located.

For April 21 and 22 the rain will be of medium intensity, however after midnight there is a greater probability of observing the phenomenon, because at that time there will be no moon.

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Myrtle Frost

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