RockYou2021 is the biggest password hack in history

A site Deep web Passwords are said to be the biggest breach and hacking in the history of baptism for many days RockYou2021.

The check was made by the site Cyber ​​News On June 7, and in detail, keys from 6 to 20 characters are added, without special characters and blank spaces are removed.

The number of leaked access codes is over 8 billion; Later checks appear in the document is 8.400 million.

“This framework is called RockYou2021 by a forum user, indicating infamous infringement datos RockYou This happened in 2009, when threatening actors logged into social utility web servers and stored more than 32 million user passwords in plain text, ”says Cyber ​​News.

A typical picture of a hacker using a laptop to learn how to tell if your cell phone has been hacked.

It is estimated that 4.7 billion people are online, so this is more than double the passwords in this hack.

The same cyber news site provides a tool to check if any of the passwords you use are part of this cyber attack: Leaked password check.

Another open option is to use a popular site HaveIbeenpwned Find out if your access code appears to be a data breach. After logging in, enter your password in the text box pwned? Click the button.

The advice is always the same: change them frequently using different alphanumeric keys.

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Eden Hayes

"Wannabe gamer. Subtly charming beer buff. General pop culture trailblazer. Incurable thinker. Certified analyst."

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