Sánchez's government once again leaves the king alone in Latin America

Photo courtesy of Casa Real of Spain's (i) King Felipe VI with El Salvador President Nayeb Bugel in San Salvador (El Salvador) this Friday. El Salvador's president, Nayeb Bukele, will be sworn in for a second term this Saturday in the presence of some Latin American leaders such as Javier Mili and Daniel Novoa, as well as Spain's King Felipe VI. EFE/ Royal House /

Something interesting is happening with acquisitions in Latin America. Spain has always wanted to be at the highest level, so as not to ignore the ties that connect the kingdom to the continent, but it is not clear how to get enough political representation in the country. What is almost indisputable is that in this type of activity the Head of state A daily minister should always be with you Foreign AffairsIt is well-suited to host bilateral meetings during the visit and use its presence to strengthen the long-standing bilateral ties in Spain.

By the world

At the head of state level, Don Juan Carlos He handed over what was in the inauguration ceremonies to the then Prince Philip When he was old enough to take over that part of the agenda. However, after the proclamation of Philip VI, the king decided Reverse roles His father, the King Emeritus, attended these political meetings. But when Juan Carlos I retired from public action in 2019, Leonor was not yet ready, so the task fell back to the king.

During these five years of Juan Carlos I's retirement, the crown is present Twelve Inauguration Happened in Latin America. Felipe VI Aranja González traveled with Laya Andrés Manuel López Obrador In Mexico in 2018 and it Luis Lacalle Pou In Uruguay in 2020. Jose Manuel AlbarezLaia's successor as head of Spanish diplomacy was introduced at the inauguration. Pedro CastilloHeld at the end of July 2021.

From then until this Saturday, the King is in El Salvador for his inauguration Naib BukheleAlvarez has competed in six other events at this level, becoming a regular Small peaks of Latin American leaders. “Hey A great opportunity To talk to people who are not always easy to see,” recalls a seasoned diplomat.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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