Santa Fe launches the “Transvestite, Trans and Dissident Secondary Educational Space”

Until April 12, interested persons can pre-register on the province’s website. In a second instance, they may also request a Free Educational Ticket and Progresar Scholarships.

The Government of Santa Fe began the pre-registration process for the new educational space for the trans, transvestite and dissidents population (not exclusive) by the Ministry of Education and the Secretary of State for Equality and Gender. The implementation of this secondary-level classroom will first be developed as a pilot test in the city of Santa Fe. The degree to be taken will have a total duration of three years and the Bachelor’s degree will be issued, with national validity.

“It consists of an innovative proposal for comprehensive training that repairs long-standing damage and weaknesses, at the same time enabling effective equalities in an open interaction to gender diversities. It is not exclusive, it is a renewed EEMPA to be effective the right to education of young people who build different identities and who had this possibility postponed. The Ministry of Education and the Secretariat for Equality and Gender broaden and deepen the will of the State for participatory inclusion, that is, the government opens the path of freedom to sectors that are not yet served, another stretch of educational justice is launched ”, explained the Secretary of Education, Victor Debloc.

“It is not a novelty that the educational trajectories of the transvestite population are often interrupted for different reasons and with this space, which is not exclusive for any gender identity but is focused on transvestites, transvestites and dissidents, we intend to facilitate, accompany and ensure that the lack of a secondary degree is not one more obstacle for everyone to meet their life goals, “said Nerea Tácari, provincial director of Equality Policies of the Secretary of State for Equality and Gender.

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“This experience that begins in the city of Santa Fe is a wish fulfilled and that is part of the strong commitment that the Government of Santa Fe and Governor Omar Perotti have to build a province that accepts differences but not inequalities,” he added. . “We also want to add that after completing this first pre-registration step, we will carry out a process that will include, in addition to informative meetings and advice, the monitoring and management of PROGRESAR scholarships and Free Educational Ticket, so that the economic situation is not an impediment for people can study, “he concluded.

The proposal is also promoted as a complement to the Trans Labor Quota Law, promoting the completion of the secondary educational level, which is a requirement for entering the public administration within the framework of said Law.

About the Educational Space

The space is intended for the trans / transvestite population, dissident, without excluding other identities, over 18 years of age. The full degree has a duration of three years, the title of “Bachelor” will be extended, with national validity. The course modality is alternating (one week in person and another from home to solve practical work), from Monday to Friday from 6 pm to 9 pm, in a place to be defined.

Pre-registration is virtual through the form on the web:

Once the pre-registration stage is completed, the people registered for informational meetings will be called, they will receive a contact from the Secretary of State teams to continue with the registration process, management of Progresar Scholarships and Free Educational Ticket.

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+ Info: Queries: [email protected]

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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