Science Explains Why Bald Men Are Sexy

Many men fear baldness. It’s common for many men, in fact two in three, to have it by age 35. Baldness can reach 85% in some cases by age 50.

In fact, many celebrities have tried to hide their baldness, such as John Travolta or Donald Trump. Today there are countless clinics, treatments, and products to stop or slow baldness or to restore falling hair.

However, we can be sure that a file bald men They are sexier according to science. A study from the University of Pennsylvania found that The bald men They are seen as more attractive, dominant and confident.

The study took three different study groups, men and women of different ages, who were given different pictures so that they could assess not only physical characteristics, but also cognition.

These three are the characteristics that prevailed among bald men compared to men with hair. The amazing thing is that the difference was bad.

there bald men Which comes to mind and that definitely falls into this category, right? We can think of Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Zinedine Zidane, Andre Agasso, Bruce Willis, Patrick Stewart and others.

And you, what do you think of that?

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Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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