Science Festival 2024: Check when it starts and where you can see its free notice board

A public, free and national celebration, that's how it will be. New Edition of Science Festival 2024which is in its seventh edition. Over 280 activities for the whole family, from Arica to Punta Arenas.

This event, organized by the Ministry of Science, on this occasion, will have the National Heritage Service as the main collaborator, Which will provide the opening of museums, archives and libraries for this occasion.

The Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, Aisín Echeverri, reported that the event will take place between October 3 and 6, with activities in all regions of the country, which will include a billboard for each region designed jointly based on the programming structure matrix that will be implemented by MinCiencia and ten combined institutions of the National Heritage Service.

In addition, the billboard will also take into account public events held by people, institutions and the digital space. Remember that in World Wide You can review all activities in the country.

Collaborators and Venues Science Festival 2024

North Macro Region

  • Arica: Serbat Arica Regional Directorate
  • Tarapaca: Serbat Regional Directorate
  • Tarapaca Antofagasta: Serbat Antofagasta Regional Directorate
  • Atacama: Serbat Atacama Regional Directorate

Central Central Area

  • Coquimbo: Limari Museum
  • Valparaiso: Natural History Museum of Valparaiso
  • Urban Zone 1: National Museum of Fine Arts Zone 2: National Museum of Natural History Zone 3: Interactive Knowledge Center Zone 4: National Cinematheque Zone 5: Museum of Contemporary Art

South Central Macro Region

  • O'Higgins: Serbat O'Higgins Regional Directorate
  • Molly: O'Higginiano Museum of Fine Arts in Talca
  • Nobel: Serbat Nobel Regional Directorate
  • Bio Bio: Natural History Museum of Concepcion
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Southern Macro Region

  • La Araucanía: La Araucanía Regional Archive
  • Los Rios: Niebla Castle Site Museum
  • Los Lagos: Serbat Los Lagos Regional Directorate, Ancud Regional Museum

Southern Macro Region

  • Essen: Essen Regional Museum
  • Magallanes: Serbat Magallanes Regional Directorate

Myrtle Frost

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