“Science in the Exoplanets of the Star Wars Universe” conference at the Science Museum for Science Week 2023

Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 12:00 noon

The Science Museum’s General Assembly Hall, located in the Plaza de la Merced in Cuenca’s Old Town, will host the latest conferences of the Museum’s Science Week programmes. The presentation was presented by Antonio Pérez Verde and titled “Exoplanetary Science in the Star Wars Universe” This will be next Saturday, November 11, at 12:00 noon.

Only a few years have passed since the discovery of the first exoplanet orbiting a main sequence star in 1995. However, technology has advanced such that we now know of more than 5,500 such planets. On the other hand, using a source such as cinema, and more specifically science fiction, we can analyze some of these relatively exoplanets in terms of the real aspects they present. In this case we will find the similes in one of the most famous sagas: Star Wars.

The conference series covers different areas of astronomy, from the Introduction to Gas Giants by José María Sánchez Martínez to the Introduction to Relativity. Geometric Theory by Isidoro González Navarro or “From Tatooine to Crait: Science in the Exoplanets of the Star Wars Universe” by Antonio Pérez Verde and others. Conferences will be held in person in the museum’s conference room.

Entry is free until capacity is full.

Information and reservations on phone numbers 969 24 03 20/969 17 65 93

Science Museum of Castilla-La Mancha. Pza.de la Merced, 1. CUENCA.

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Myrtle Frost

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