Science puts an end to the false myth! Reasons why eating carbohydrates at night does not lead to weight gain

There are many people who believe in that Eating carbohydrates at night causes you to gain several sizes. On many occasions, these words are uttered even by food or sports specialists, giving strength to the belief that carbohydrates should indeed be left for lunch or even breakfast.

The reasons also seem strong: At night, our energy expenditure is much lower It is limited by basal metabolism, that is, the minimum amount of energy that the body expends to continue functioning. The basic metabolism can be calculated through approximate averages, but in reality it can change a lot depending on the habits and routines of each person, as well as his body composition, so the confidence that our body will burn the calories eaten during sleep. Big risk.

So how do we debunk the false myth that eating carbs at night makes you gain weight? a The study was conducted in 2011 It helps: Two groups of people were given the same macronutrients and calories over the course of six months. Some consumed carbohydrates during the day, others at night. In the end, those who ate the carbohydrates during the evening hours lost 2% more fat and weight than the other group.

Although 2% is not a very important value, it is quite significant It proves that eating carbohydrates is not inherently bad It does not contribute to weight gain. It seems that the important thing is the nutrients consumed and the calories provided, not so much the moment they are eaten.

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type of carbohydrate

In the case of carbohydrates, when we consume them, the body can do two basic things: convert them into glycogen or fat. If the body’s glycogen stores are full at that time, since its storage is limited, the body will convert these hydrates into fat, at any time.

So, it is more important type of carbohydrate What we consume basic Is the one Excess should be avoided. They are white flour, dairy products, and refined or processed sugars, among others. These carbohydrates are absorbed by the body very quickly, which is why they cause a very noticeable peak on the glycemic index, which causes the body to quickly react by converting all that excess sugar into fat.

the complicatedOn the other hand, like those found in wholemeal flour, cereals, legumes and vegetables, they are more slowly absorbed: they provide us with energy gradually and for a long time. Thus the glycemic index is maintained without sudden curves, which causes the body to use a larger portion of this sugar to convert it into energy for the activities to be performed. The result is that They provide more satiety, delay the feeling of hunger and accumulate less fat.

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