Category: science

Announce the opening of a new space to help displaced families |  Video |  Univision 21 Fresno KFTV

Read transcriptand at the same time they offer themservices under the same teagivemaía: the ash missionannounced that they will expand ...household members live inour communities and theproblem has increasedsignificantly duringpandemic.families like maía'sface a crisis ofeviction housing, shesays that the house…

“It is essential to promote public-private articulation in science and technology for the development of local economies that is aimed at providing solutions to social problems”

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Daniel Filmus, led the 10th meeting of the Federal Experiences Exchange Cycle organized by the Undersecretariat for the Federalization of Science, Technology and Innovation (SSFCTI) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation…

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