In recent months, from June until now, the spotlight is on Gerard Pique Y Shakira, all show in the eye of the storm that despite their separation, it will continue. We’ve heard it all sounds like a soap opera, but it’s undoubtedly not fun for its protagonists, especially the couple’s children. Sasha and Milan Big.
It is assumed that Shakira Depressed by the situation – a logical one on the other hand -, with it Gerard PQ Whether he introduces his new girlfriend to his parents or not, hundreds of such comments have fed the pen of journalists and amused fans and followers. On the other hand Shakira He knows that the only way out of the eye of the storm is to rebuild his life with his children in Miami. Sasha and Milan Big.
Gillian Patton
"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."