Shared beds, scams and…, the reality of Latinos in Spain

shared beds, ScamsWhole families living in the same room and being discriminated against do some abuse the dream The search for shelter for many Latin Americans living in Spain.

Unchecked increase in rental prices and scarcity Building houses ImmigrantsEspecially those who have only been in Spain for a short time and do not have documents or a work contract, have to submit to the excessive demands of some landlords.

This is the case of Liliana, a 29-year-old Peruvian woman who is in her first year Spain She shared a bed and slept on a sofa in the dining room of an apartment shared by five people, and was staying at the home of an elderly woman who wouldn't give her leave, arguing that she couldn't be left alone.

Overwhelmed by the older woman's demands, she quit her job, and since then, her situation has become more complicated.


“No one really helped me, instead some took advantage of me,” he says in an interview with EFE.

Shared beds and sofa rentals

Without work or documents, no one wanted to rent her a room, so she had to accept a friend's proposal, who offered a 'warm bed' to share with two other women. One of them worked at night, but the other slept with her on the double bed that took up the room's space.

When it seemed that the situation couldn't get any worse, the owner of the house moved the relatives out of the room to accommodate them and provided the sofa to the displeasure of the other inhabitants of the house who did not want to use the dining room. For sleep.

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Housing problems also affect Latin Americans who have been in Spain for a long time, like Iliana Salvadoran 32 years old, he had a peaceful visit as he was accepted by a friend and was treated well by the woman he was caring for, but the elderly woman entered an apartment and had to search the house, and everything was complicated.

Discrimination for being a woman, Latin American, and with children

“I had dozens of interviews with people who rented rooms, and when they found out I was pregnant, they mercilessly left me on the street,” she recalled.

“They were afraid I'd stop paying and become a snitch,” he explains, based on a fear. DiscriminationSome tenants believe that Latin American women will stop paying rent when they have young children in their care, making it more difficult to legally evict them.

Iliana has an indefinite employment contract and has the financial capacity to pay a rent Room in BarcelonaThe city where she works and she found a daycare for her daughter, but none in the Catalan capital.

Finally, she had to accept a room in a neighboring town, and now she is forced to make long journeys on public transport because her landlords won't let her register in the town.

lsy, native Hondurascome Catalonia A few years ago now. Its current living place, lived in As a couple, she occupied a rented room with her three children and was only allowed to use the kitchen, not being allowed to enjoy the dining room or bring anyone into the apartment.

“Also, my sister, who takes care of my kids on weekends while I work, also has to pay for its use. Room“, mint.

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Stephanie, born Colombiais inside Spain And his greatest hope is to be able to bring his son who lives in his country, but, although he has a partner and can afford a large room between the two of them, they cannot afford an apartment, which complicates his visit. baby

One of the main concerns of Latin Americans in Spain is housing and finding a decent job with a decent salary. EFE

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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