Sociology, an essential science

Today begins a new collaboration between the Valencian Association of Sociology (AVS) and Levante-EMV. This new monthly column collects the interest of both parties to analyze, understand and explain the Valencian society (s). Sociology, as a social science that studies the phenomena produced by human action in their different historical-cultural contexts, has a commitment to citizenship, that is, to each of the people who live together in society. There are many topics that are addressed from this discipline and, little by little, those who still do not know it will be able to discover what we do and why we love our profession.

Sociology works to develop a reliable and valid base of scientific knowledge supported by research and, therefore, to contribute, or at least this is the way it is intended, to improve the global human condition, as stated in the ethical code of the International Sociological Association (ISA).

Along these lines, it corresponds to introduce ourselves institutionally in our territory, and for this we will stop at the Associació Valenciana de Sociologia (AVS), its objectives, its purposes and its team. The AVS is a scientific society that has its origins in the late 1970s, specifically in 1979. It is an association that works by and for its affiliates and affiliates, with the main objective of promoting, developing and disseminating research, projects and teaching of sociology in the Valencian Community. It strives to establish relationships with national and international entities in order to improve collaboration and communication between sociologists and sociologists. But, in addition, we have a commitment to the Valencians: the dissemination of sociological knowledge to the general public and the dissemination of news of interest to all those who seek to understand and interpret social action, as pointed out by Max Weber, one of the pioneers of the discipline. The population, tourism, families, the educational system, social relations after the pandemic, lifestyles or experiences of time, are just some examples on which we will provide data and share reflections.

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The board of directors that I preside since February 12, 2021, is made up of eight people belonging to Valencian public universities. I share work, concerns, times and spaces with Víctor Agulló Calatayud (vice president), Verónica Gisbert-Gracia (secretary), Pablo de Gracia Soriano (treasurer), María Ángeles Abellán López, Mariano Agustín González Chouciño, Alba Navalón Mira and Raúl Ruiz Callado ( vowels). All the members of this board are united by a purpose, which is to make the AVS a unifying and visualizing instrument of the diversity of sociology in the Valencian territory. For this, the coordinating team has a work plan focused on three strategic lines. The first, communication and dissemination, in order to create synergies between people who develop work with sociological approaches. The second line focuses on developing continuous and innovative training programs for associates and for other professionals; In addition, the talent of young researchers in the field of sociology is promoted. Finally, our work plan proposes to promote the organization of academic activities in the three territories of the Valencian Community: Alicante, Castellón and València.

Aware of the need for the human capital necessary to develop this project, from AVS we encourage and promote the active participation of those who work from a sociological perspective both in the academic and professional world. We also invite students, both undergraduate and graduate programs, to participate in the association and develop their own tasks and projects. And, of course, we encourage all Valencian citizens to join the AVS by showing us their interests, experiences, concerns and doubts that we will try to answer from the social sciences.

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Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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