“Soldiers attack lawyer in Valverde, mistaking him for undocumented immigrant” | Daily list

Members of the Fourth Infantry Brigade of the National Army, based in Mao Municipality, attacked a lawyer, mistaking him for a Haitian, this Saturday afternoon.

In a video circulating in different media, the military can be seen attacking a legal professional identified as Fausto Taveras who allegedly tried to arrest him while mixing with an undocumented alien.

Preliminary data indicates that after what happened, the lawyer presented several injuries.

Valverde Bar Association President Juan Rodriguez announced The union plans to file a lawsuit in the next few hours for the mistreatment of his colleague. At the same time, he condemned “a lot of mistreatment by the national army” in the aforementioned province.

The abuse did not stopWe expect orphans and misfortunes to continue: illegal searches, physical abuse, among others,” Rodriguez said.

As the head of the union informed members of the press, representatives of the military establish that there was a conflict between two parties, so they are under investigation, although Taveras is still in custody.

Members of the Fourth Infantry Brigade of the National Army in Mao Municipality attacked a lawyer.

In fact

An audiovisual shows six members of the National Army from Fort General Benito Moncion attacking Fausto Taveras, moments after he shouted “Let me go!” Despite community members telling them about their alleged misbehaviour.

The situation arose after the man was allegedly mistaken for a Haitian national.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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