Some people know Fosto Miguel Cruz in La Vega

In La Vega, many say they did not know Fosto Miguel Cruz de la Motta, a personal friend of Orlando Jorge Mera, who admitted to shooting him in his office at the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources on Monday.

“They say that person was born here, but he was with very few people, he was anti-social and some people knew him,” said a vegetarian taxi driver. Others involved in the business said they did not know him, although he was said to be a businessman.

The confessed killer may have been born in La Vega, but people say he grew up and lived elsewhere. “I know nothing, even though La Vega is a small town I have never heard of,” said pharmacist Delphine Solis.

“They say he’s the son of a pilot in the Air Force. Such people do not want to live in small cities like La Vega. They always go to live in the capital or Santiago,” said small businessman Manuel. Torrebio.

Cruz de la Motta, born June 30, 1965, the son of the former Commander-in-Chief of the Dominican Air Force between 1988-1990, Major General Fosto Miguel Cruz Ramirez, retired in 2003, issued by Order 239-03. Then President Hippolyto Mejia.

In 2010, Orlando George Mera returned to Santiago with the intention of becoming a senator, but lost.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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