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Elon Musk's space company SpaceX is preparing its Polaris Town space mission, which will see four astronauts led by entrepreneur and philanthropist Jared Isaacman attempt to achieve the first spacewalk. The expedition is intended to explore new space suit technologies and review the possibilities of expanding tourism beyond Earth.
The dangerous mission will involve a crew spending five days in space, 1,400 kilometers from Earth. That's a high altitude compared to other space tourists: Virgin Galactic's flights are 80 km, Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin rockets are 100 km, and visitors to the International Space Station are typically 400 km.
Likewise, it will have the protection and technology of the SpaceX spacesuits, These set a new standard for extraterrestrial activity missions known as EVA.
The latest edition presented by the space agency highlighted several innovations aimed at guaranteeing the safety and comfort of astronauts during their missions.
One of the coolest developments of the new SpaceX spacesuit is its helmet, which was manufactured using 3D printing. The helmet has a visor designed to reduce sunlight, which helps improve the astronaut's vision and safety in space.
Additionally, it is equipped with a head-up display (HUD) and an integrated camera that provides critical data such as pressure, temperature and humidity inside the suit, vital information to ensure the integrity of the astronaut.
To ensure maximum safety in the hostile environment of spaceThe EVA suit has advanced seals and pressure valves that ensure constant pressure.
This design is necessary to protect astronauts from the dangers associated with exposure to the vacuum of space. Special attention is paid to the tightness of the suit, as any failure in this aspect is fatal.
Another notable feature of these suits is their scalable design that allows you to customize the fit for different body types, This ensures that each astronaut can move and operate with maximum efficiency and comfort.
This is especially important in tasks that require a high degree of mobility and flexibility to perform complex tasks. Along with technological innovations, SpaceX has emphasized the importance of data collection during missions.
A camera integrated into the helmet not only helps with vision and communication, but Provides real-time data that can be used to monitor and adjust suit conditions as neededIncreased safety during spacewalks.
By testing this technology, we will try to contribute to the development of space engineering, so that in the future, a large population can explore the universe deeply at a very low cost.
Elon Musk has always been interested in discovering the secrets of other planets, especially Mars. With the possible success of this mission, the foundation may be laid for other explorations to the Moon or other corners of space.
Astronauts expect the walking time to be short, and the capsules contain no vital supplies that will last more than six days, so as a team they must analyze the environment and possible failures in the return plan.
Although the mission was three years in the making, the agency said there were no mistakes during the mission, and the astronauts have budgeted for any setbacks.