Sudden Blurred Vision: What Causes It?

Cloudy or blurred vision can be caused by presbyopia and refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism), which, as explained by experts, can also be caused by more serious problems such as eye diseases or neurological disorders.

some times, Blurred vision may accompany symptoms such as nausea, headache, and fatigue.

According to a portal specializing in ophthalmology Martinez de CarnerosMyopia is one of the refractive errors that cause vision problems in one or both eyes, in addition to conditions like strabismus, eye strain and headaches. “Myopia is the most common refractive error and blurs distant objects,” experts note.

According to the portal Mayo ClinicA non-profit organization dedicated to clinical practice, education and research, myopia occurs when “the shape of the eye causes light rays to bend incorrectly (refraction), which focuses images in front of the retina instead of the retina”.

Astigmatism can be another cause of blurred vision. Experts suggest that one of the common solutions to correct these pathologies is usually glasses or contact lenses.

Abuse of screens, stress or lack of sleep can cause us to see blur, usually temporarily,” warns Dr. Carlos Lisa Fernández, ophthalmologist at the Cornea and Lens Section of the Fernández-Vega Institute of Ophthalmology (IOFV). Via Portal Know how to live.

Blurred vision occurs because dryness or lack of lubrication makes it difficult to focus on objects.

To cure dryness, experts advise giving your eyes a rest, especially when you spend long hours in front of a computer or looking at your cell phone. For work or recreational reasons. Using artificial tears to moisturize can help reduce the risk of blurred vision.

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If you have blurred vision in both eyes, it can be caused by:

Experts note that in some cases it is necessary to carry out medical tests to find the cause of blurred vision, in addition, it helps to find the diagnosis to take timely measures.

  • Optical coherence tomography (used to examine the retina).
  • Corneal topography (which, like the previous one, is non-invasive and is used to find out what the cornea looks like).
  • Optic nerve fiber analysis
  • Taking eye pressure by tonometry.

Medline Plus, The US National Library of Medicine website states: You should go to an emergency medical center if the following symptoms occur:

  • Partial or complete blindness in one or both eyes, even if it is temporary.
  • When you have double vision, even if it’s temporary.
  • Sensation of a curtain passing over the eyes from the side or below.
  • Another factor is the sudden appearance of blind spots or areas of distorted vision.
  • Sudden blurred vision with eye pain.
  • Redness, pain and blurred vision in one eye.

Eden Hayes

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