(CNN Español) – A driver and his accomplice have been arrested this Sunday for allegedly driving a dozen people on their way to the Basilica of Guadeloupe. Mexico, The Ministry of Civil Defense said in a statement.
The incident took place in the Sentinel neighborhood of the Coyoacán mayor’s office, where, according to the text, agents “apparently” ran away nine members of a running club and three cyclists from Xochimilco.
Of the injured, at least four had “head injuries”, six had “fractures”, one had a concussion and another was in a “polycondensate” condition, officials said.

Credit: Mexico City Citizens Protection Secretariat
The injured were taken to hospital, the report said.
According to the secretariat, the accused was “detained and assaulted by civilians who witnessed the incident.” It was not immediately clear what caused the vehicle to collide with people.
The report further states that only the identified driver, aged 36 and 27, and his accomplice have been arrested and handed over to the Ministry of Public Works.
CNN is trying to find out if there are lawyers representing both of them and how they are coming out.
Claudia Schimpan, the head of the Mexican city government, said on Twitter that the driver of the vehicle, who was driving over people identified as “pilgrims”, was “drunk”, although he did not elaborate on the courtesy. .

Credit: Mexico City Citizens Protection Secretariat
The Mexico City Attorney’s Office announced on Twitter that it had launched an investigation into the “crimes of criminal injury due to vehicular traffic and protest by individuals” after the incident.
The CNN did not respond to a request for comment on Sunday.
“I urge the prosecutor’s office to use the full force of the law,” Sheenbaum wrote. He said he was “treating the victims and their families” but did not specify which way.